To transform your corrugated packaging designs
Flexo printing is cost-effective but boring. Litho printing is beautiful but expensive. But digitally
printed eCommerce corrugated packaging is the cost-effective and beautiful way to elevate your
brand. On the outside. On the inside. Everywhere your customer looks.

To leverage new channels of communications
Use space on boxes to include third party advertising or communicate new offers
from your brand. And because the corrugated packaging is digitally printed,
you can react fast and print even faster.

To include design variations for better retail outcomes
Whether your products are on-shelf or on-line they need to be noticed. Want to get creative with your packaging to drive better
retail outcomes? Through EFI digital solutions you’re able to print multiple colors, designs and layouts all during the same
production run without having to change printing plates. You save time and money while ensuring your brand is engaged.

To launch or elevate your subscription box business
Every month, your customers expect to be delighted. Make sure it happens with every
box. Digitally printed eCommerce corrugated packaging takes your customers from
expectation to fulfillment to delight.

To build better connections through personalization or regionalization
In addition to personalization, digitally printing corrugated packaging assures your rigorous brand
standards are maintained worldwide. PMS colors, product photography, iconography, and fonts
create absolute brand continuity from Paris, Maine to Paris, France.

To activate multi-cultural marketing plans
The demographic landscape of the US has transformed, as 140 million multicultural consumers
now represent 42% of US total consumers. EFI digital print solutions for corrugated can help you
accurately reflect audiences without disrupting current processes and adding cost.

To travel at the speed of today’s retail marketing
Marketing today means taking advantage of hot trends, viral moments, social influencers, live-stream shopping,
special editions, and LTOs. Digital means speed. Speed means time-to-market. Through EFI digital print solutions
brands can maximize trends, planning cycles, and even when “viral moment” prayers are answered.

To always keep your brand on top
Digital inkjet corrugated printing lets you ship your products in their own container
(SIOC packaging) through leading eCommerce marketplaces. Your handling fees are
reduced and your brand is always front and center.

To beautifully demonstrate your commitment to sustainability
Digitally printed eCommerce corrugated packaging can help you demonstrate your
brand's sustainability commitment by printing directly to kraft with white ink, all while
satisfying your customers’ wishes to keep it green.